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Homo heidelbergensis at the Rama 9 Museum in Bangkok, Thailand

10 Mysterious Human Species Most People Don’t Know Existed

Modern humans, Homo sapiens, are now the only surviving member of the Homo genus. It is almost inconceivable to us that we walked alongside other human species, but as the science of archaeology has progressed and more findings have been made it has become clear that the Homo genus was once rife with different species. 
Gondi Palace, Florence, Italy, Wedding Alcove by painter Matteo Bonechi and stucco by Giovan Battista Ciceri, “Allegory of a Happy Marriage”, ca. 1710. Credit: Elise Grenier
Artifacts & Tech

The Fascinating World of Art Conservation

In this interview, Elise Grenier, a distinguished conservator and the founder of Grenier Conservation LLC, delves into her 35-year journey in art conservation, a path that has taken her through significant projects in both the United States and Italy.